Cloud Strategy

Cloud is a must have technology to accelerate and transform your business.   What is a cloud strategy? A cloud strategy defines the business outcomes you seek, and how you are going to get there. It helps you to align your business goals and potential benefits. Mapping your business needs to your IT capabilities will help you to understand, what areas will benefit most from the agility that cloud offers and allow you to move to the cloud with speed. Why is it so important to have a cloud strategy? Creating a cloud strategy will establish a road map to achieve your business goals and potential benefits. Your organization’s definition of cloud will depend on its unique perspective, and the sheer variability of cloud creates vast opportunities for a customized vision. Most businesses profess to have a digital strategy in place, Digital business requires speed and agility that cloud computing provides using cloud services. Invest in cloud as a style of computing that drives...
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Cloud Computing

What is Cloud computing? What are the benefits of Cloud computing? How does it impact me? The discussion about what cloud computing means has been going on for a while now. You’re probably using cloud computing right now, even if you don’t realize it. What is Cloud Computing? In the simplest terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard drive or common share drive in an office network. Cloud is part of almost everything we use today in our daily life right from our smartphone, tablet, computer, smart tv and lot more devices. Companies offering these computing services are called cloud providers. Common Cloud Computing Examples: Apple iCloud Amazon cloud drive Drop Box Google Drive Microsoft Office 365 On Demand Services – Netflix, iTunes, Apple TV…. All Email and Web Hosting Services such as Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo email & Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure… Cloud Computing made businesses to shift their thinking. Businesses are now able to reduce...
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